(Airsoft Gun Review) We review the newest .45 caliber tactical handgun, Tokyo Marui’s HK45!

Tokyo Marui’s new HK45 is a long time coming, as they announced their latest gas blowback pistol not long ago.

It’s based on a gun developed under the supervision of former Delta Force member Larry Vickers and created for use in SOCOM pistol trials.

Since the trials lasted a very long time, enthusiasts wondered whether a model version would ever make it to the market.

Americans only seem to want a .45, on top of that, the real version carries a price-tag of about $1,300USD.

↑The original on display at SHOTSHOW2014.

Now, Tokyo Marui has given us a model version of the HK45 to add to their gas blowback handgun line.

Let’s take a closer look.


As with other Marui products, the handgrip is interchangeable, but with some variations.

The outer casing does a beautiful job of recreating the HK45; the weapon is faithfully replicated in the easy-to-hold grip, the well-placed safety, and the long slide stop that has been standard ever since their USP.

The slide stop and magazine catch are ambidextrous, and only the safety lever is placed towards a single side.


As expected of a .45, the gun has a thick barrel that catches the eye and in part due to its size, the brass barrel stands out in particular.

There are probably a good many owners who will want to replace it with a black part that will not stand out so much.

The O-ring around the gun’s barrel is also recreated.


The sight has 3 white points for ease of aiming and quick target-aquisition.

Safety Lever

You need to raise the safety higher than average to flip it on.

It is also possible to have the safety in “cocked and locked” mode.

For decocking, you have to depress the safety lower than average.

It can also stop at half-cock, making double-action firing possible.

Firing Pin

Even the firing pin is molded with care on this model.

Slide Stop

Since it’s an ambidextrous model, even southpaws will be able to do mag changes and cocking normally, but there’s a little part on this side.

Maybe some people are going to like it.

The slide stop goes in a metal slot on the inside (②) rather than in the slide notch (①).

This means that the slide notch won’t get scraped or turned up, so it’s quite a welcome feature.

Under Rail

Primarily designed for attaching a weapon light, the rail is in 4 segments.

The serial plate included is just like that on the real gun.

The trigger guard and parting line on the rail also reinforce an authentic impression.

Magazine Catch

The lever is the traditional HK ambidextrous type.

As in the past, the magazine will eject if you thrust the gun forcefully into a wrong-sized holster.


The handgrip can be replaced by removing a pin.

As shown in the picture, the width is almost identical for left and right, so you can replace them with different parts of approximately the same weight.

The default equipment is M size, and any attached replacements will be S size.


The grip has a polymer frame texture.

It won’t slip easily, and the grip angle is raised, leading to a grip that’s firmer in the hand than normal.

Field Stripping

Use your left hand to pull off the slide strip at the notch at the end of the slide…

…and you can take it apart as shown without any extra tools.

As in the past, the barrel is on a dial in accordance with HOP standards.

When I bought the model, the inside was greasy.

I recommend taking it apart and cleaning it off shortly after purchase.


The zinc alloy magazine holds 26 rounds.

The follower spring is tight, but the BB rounds are inserted through the top and adding ammunition is easy.

On the other hand, the magazine bumper is oversized, so carrying backup mags might present difficulties.

Size Comparison

I compared the HK45 to Marui’s own G17 (not the normal model).

It certainly takes up more space than its predecessor.

Holding it, I was reminded of the narrow grip VP70, and it feels pretty big (being in reality quite large).

It is top-weighted like a real weapon.

・Total length: 204mm
・Weight: 780g(including magazine)
・Muzzle length: 100mm
・Ammunition: 26+1 rounds
・Initial speed: 74.8m/s (over an average of 10 0.2g biodegradable bullets, temp. 22°C)
・Price: ¥16,800 (market price approximately ¥14,000)

As we’ve come to expect from Marui, the construction is very solid, and I don’t think it will wear quickly with use.

The trigger pull on the real HK45 feels horribly tight, so I was pleasantly surprised that the SA/DA on the Marui model is quite smooth.

Be advised, though, the casing is larger than you would expect.

You may have to put some extra effort into finding a holster, but I would recommend this handgun to anyone who loves HKs or wants the newest 45 auto.

It’s unfortunate that HK handguns only offer limited customization, but you’ll want to order soon before they’re gone, because the initial production run is (as usual) very limited.

I would look forward to an HK45 Compact Tactical with suppressor from Tokyo Marui, if they offer one in the future.




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